Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Just Do It!
People are often unreasonable,
Illogical and self-centered:
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you
Of selfish, ulterior motives:
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will
Win some false friends and true enemies:
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank,
People may cheat you;
Be honest anyway.

What you spend years building,
Someone may destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness,
Others may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you may do today,
People may forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have,
And it may not be enough;
Give your best anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God…
It was never between you and them, anyway.

Attributed to Mother Teresa

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Medscape, MerckMedicus, and Epocrates

Invaluable tools online
Medscape requires a password. The web site is .You can opt for them to send newsletters with updates.

Merckmedicus also has resources such as online books, patient education resources, professional development, etc.
The email address is

Epocrates has free online access now in addition mobile access for phone pda or Pda

These three tools have been utilized by me for quite a few years.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Braden Scale

Here is a link to a webcast of a lecture on the Braden Scale (skin assessment) by the developer Barbara Braden RN, Ph.D. This scale is used with our assessments on the flow sheets.

DIABETES SITES CDC has some resources on their home page- NIH has a page for the Diabetes Prevention Program at Institue of Health (NIH) also has resourses for diabetes and kidney disease The NLM Joslin Diabetes Center is another good site

Friday, November 17, 2006

Computing on a budget

If you like computers but can't afford software you now have no excuse!! A free opensource Office Suite is Open Office. It has a word processor, a spreadsheet program, a database program , a presentation, and a drawing program. In addition to being free, it is also compatible with the "monopoly's" suite. There are even advantages to using it. It can save in PDF files which at the present the monopoly's suite is unable to do. This can be downloaded from
If you would like a good open source web browser, Mozilla has Firefox. This can be obtained at http://www.mozilla.orgThe last Netscape browser still had the capability of creating webpages with the Composer. The most recent update does not have this present.
Hence, NVU is the program you want to use if would like to create a web page. This can be downloaded from I could list numerous gems but will save that for a later day!

Being a Nurse

Being a Nurse Means...

You will never be bored.
You will always be frustrated.
You will be surrounded by challenges,
So much to do and so little time.
You will carry immense responsibility and very little authority.
You will step into people's lives and you will make a difference.
Some will bless you
Some will curse you
You will see people at their worst
~~and at their best.
You will never cease to be amazed at people's capacity for love,courage,and endurance.
You will see life begin
--and end.
You will experience resounding triumphs and devastating failures.
You will cry a lot.
You will laugh a lot.
You will know what it is to be human and to be humane.
Melodie Chenevert R.N.


Here is an article on compression hose- something to think about-

Monday, November 13, 2006

Nurses Christian Fellowship

Nurses Christian Fellowship now publishes the Journal of Christian Nursing through Lippencott.